Anita Janevska

Anita’s role is to deliver the best quality services and solutions that bring real value to the needs of our customers and enable their business toward their goals.
She brings in a group 23 years of ICT experience, 13+ years at international IT Service delivery companies and about 10 year at the international telecom provider.
Her expertise are in the domain of CRM, IT consultancy, IT transformations, Enterprise Program and Project management. She participated with great success in many IT transformation programs and big international CRM programs for complex CRM solutions.
She has a MSc. degree in Computer science from the faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje.

At STIG TECHNOLOGY GROUP we are offering automated IT solutions customized to
company’s internal processes for better and efficient marketing and sales processes coverage.
We endeavor our customers to achieve their business goals in a way of full control of the
process cycle, starting from each and every marketing initiative contributing towards
controllable, accountable and fruitful sales process.